Exploring 4 Common Wrongful Death Lawsuits with a Wrongful Death Attorney in Reno

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Friedman and Throop
Wrongful Death Lawsuit

A wrongful death claim is a legal action that family members can take if a loved one dies due to someone else’s negligence—Nevada wrongful death claims involve all types of fatal accidents from simple car accidents to medical malpractice. By filing a wrongful death lawsuit, family members may be able to recover compensation for medical and funeral expenses, lost wages, loss of companionship, and other damages. This article examines four prevalent scenarios leading to wrongful death, outlines eligibility criteria for filing such claims, and helps identify liable parties. If you find yourself in need of a wrongful death attorney in Reno, understanding common causes for lawsuits and how an experienced legal team, such as Friedman & Throop, can assist you is essential.

Four Common Wrongful Death Lawsuits

Wrongful death lawsuits can stem from a variety of circumstances. Understanding these key areas can help you determine if you have a valid case. 

Medical Malpractice: A Common Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Medical malpractice is one of the leading causes of wrongful death. When doctors, nurses, surgeons, anesthesiologists, pharmaceutical companies, or other healthcare providers act negligently or fail to provide a reasonable standard of care, it can result in severe injury or death of the patient. If the healthcare provider’s negligence directly results in a wrongful death, the surviving family members may have grounds to pursue a medical malpractice wrongful death lawsuit. Some of the most common examples of medical malpractice include the misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose a condition, surgical and medication errors, and the failure to obtain consent. These cases can be complex and require proving that the medical professional violated the standard of care which directly led to the patient’s death. 

Car Accidents and Wrongful Death Claims

When the reckless or negligent actions of a driver result in a fatal car crash, the victim’s family members may have grounds to pursue compensation by filing a wrongful death lawsuit. To build a successful car accident wrongful death case, an attorney must prove that the driver caused the victim’s death through provable negligence or misconduct. Common examples include distracted driving (texting or otherwise), driving under the influence, reckless driving over the speed limit, running red lights, and violating other traffic laws. The victim’s family would likely name the negligent driver as the defendant in the lawsuit. However, they may also choose to include other potentially liable parties such as the manufacturer of a defective vehicle or part that allegedly caused the crash, government agencies responsible for unsafe roads, or employers if the driver was operating a work vehicle. 

Workplace Accidents Leading to Wrongful Death

Workplace accidents are unfortunately common catalysts for wrongful death claims. When an employee loses their life on the job due to the absence of safety measures, inadequate training, or overall negligence, it opens the possibility for surviving family members to seek compensation through a wrongful death lawsuit. Examples of such workplace accidents include falls from heights, incidents of being struck by vehicles or heavy equipment, exposure to hazardous chemicals without proper protection, explosions, electrocutions, and machine-related injuries.

Defective Products: Holding Manufacturers Accountable

When a defective product results in death, the manufacturer can be held liable through a wrongful death lawsuit. Products that commonly lead to wrongful death claims include dangerous drugs and medical devices, vehicle defects like faulty airbags, dangerous children’s toys, and defective consumer goods. The key in these cases is demonstrating that a flaw in the design or production of the product directly led to the death. In cases of defective drugs and medical devices, you must prove the product had a design or manufacturing defect, inadequate warning of risks, and a direct link to the death. In cases of vehicle and consumer product defects, plaintiffs must demonstrate a clear flaw making the product unreasonably dangerous, a direct link to the fatality, and the manufacturer’s knowledge of the flaw. In defective product cases, extensive investigations, testing, and expert testimony are often needed to meet the burden of proof.

Wrongful Death Attorney

Who Can Sue for Wrongful Death in Nevada 

According to Nevada law, eligibility for filing a wrongful death lawsuit depends on your relationship to the deceased. Typically immediate family members can bring a case, including a surviving spouse or domestic partner, children, parents, siblings, or any person who suffered financially from the death. Additionally, any dependent who lived with the deceased for at least 3 years before their death, as well as the court-appointed personal representative of the deceased’s estate, can file a wrongful death lawsuit. It’s important to understand the eligibility criteria in Nevada and consult a wrongful death attorney to determine if you have legal standing to sue. They can assess your relationship to the deceased and advise if you meet the statutory requirements. For more information about filing a wrongful death lawsuit, please visit “5 Steps on How to File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Nevada”.

Identifying Liable Parties in Wrongful Death

Identifying responsible parties in a wrongful death lawsuit is critical, as it determines who can be held legally and financially liable. This is a complex process that requires a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding your loved one’s death. An experienced wrongful death attorney will work diligently to pinpoint negligent individuals or entities like employers who failed to maintain safety standards, drivers who caused fatal accidents, healthcare providers who made medical errors, and manufacturers and sellers of dangerous or defective products. Persons, companies, and governmental agencies can be legally at fault for acting negligently or intentionally. It’s also important to act quickly when filing a wrongful death claim, as Nevada has a two-year statute of limitations. This means you must take legal action within two years from the date of your loved one’s death or the date of discovery. An attorney can advise on timeline requirements and ensure the case is filed on time. For a deeper understanding of the time constraints associated with wrongful death cases, please visit our post on “Understanding Wrongful Death Lawsuit Statute of Limitations in Nevada”.

How a Wrongful Death Attorney Can Help

Wrongful death cases can be highly complex, involving extensive investigations and negotiations with insurance companies. An experienced wrongful death attorney understands all aspects of these nuanced cases—from proving liability and causation to calculating damages. They know how to build a strong case by gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and working with medical experts. Having a knowledgeable attorney on your side levels the playing field when going up against corporate defendants and insurance companies, maximizing your potential compensation. While no amount of money can make up for the tragic loss of life, a wrongful death lawsuit can provide financial support and a sense of justice for surviving family members. 

If you’ve lost a loved one and are pursuing wrongful death damages, don’t hesitate to reach out to the experienced wrongful death attorneys at the Law Offices of Friedman & Throop. Our team is committed to handling the legal complexities and negotiations on your behalf, allowing you the space to focus on grieving and healing. For additional information, we encourage you to visit our Wrongful Death page, book a free consultation, or contact us at 775-322-6500.